Sunday, January 30, 2011

Real Beauty Dictionary

January 30th, 2011
 Before February begins and we discuss our first topic of the month, I thought it'd be helpful to include some definitions. These definitions will hopefully make it easier to see exactly what this blog is all about.

Anorexia - The loss of appetite or the refusal to eat in the attempt to lose weight.
Beauty - The personal quality found in a person that gives intense pleasure or deep satisfaction to the mind. Beauty comes in both a physical and nonphysical form, yet our current society seems to dwell on the physical side of beauty.

Beauty Myth - The misconception of what a person (in this blog we'll primarily discuss how it pertains to women) is supposed to look like. Along with it comes the idea of a perfect body.

Body Image - How you see yourself and how you think others see you.

Bulimia - A disorder characterized by binge eating followed by self-induced purging due to guilt.

Eating Disorders - Disorders characterized by the disturbance of eating patterns. These disturbances do not only include or limit themselves to overeating and characteristics of anorexia and bulimia.

Media - A source of information that targets not always world news, but also personal or celebrity news. Media sources include newspapers, magazines, websites, and television programs.

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